Friday, August 15, 2014

Two Steps to Upgrade Lumia 625 to Cyan and Screenshot

Finally I bought my first lumia, although I already had an android device. At first I wanted to buy lumia 520, since it was cheap. After browsing more and more, then I decided to buy lumia 620 which was also cheap enough, but a little bit more expensive than 520. Because it had a better camera. Lumia 625 also had front camera (for selfie :p) and flash light at the back camera, but the 520 didn't. And the screen was 4,3 inches, much bigger than 520.

Then checking the software and operating system, it was windows amber. Fortunately it supported the latest windows os, which was cyan (8.1). I turned on wifi thetering in my android device. At the setting of lumia 620, I found "phone update" and the download began. After completing the download, I installed it and restarted my lumia 625. But then I checked, it was still windows amber. Any thing wrong? I might did a mistake, I thought. I downloaded and installed again, then restarted my phone. At the setting, I found that my lumia 625 succesfully had windows black os, but not yet cyan.

To make it become cyan, i did two steps as amber to black. Twice download, twice installation, twice reboot and my phone had windows cyan (8.1). Hoooorrreeyyyy!!!!

Then I wondered how to screencapture in lumia 625 with cyan os. I was searching, but only found general informations which were not specific on cyan os. I tried but none of them worked. While trying home and power button combination, a notifcation showed up "something's changed..... The screenshot button combo has changed. Press and hold the power and volume up buttons at the same time to capture whatever is currently on your screen". Well, the problem was solved. Here is a screenshot :). 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Cara screenshot lumia 625 setelah upgrade ke cyan

Setelah upgrade os windows lumia 625 dari amber jadi black, trus jadi cyan (windows 8.1), rasnya lega banget. Pastinya windows bisa screenshot atau screencapture (layaknya android). Tapi caranya gimana??

Langsug browsing, banyak versi cara rupanya. Setelah dicoba-coba, kok g ada yang bisa. Pas lagi coba-coba cara tekan tombol power dan home, tetap ga bisa. Malah muncul notifikasi ini "something's changed..... The screenshot button combo has changed. Press and hold the power and volume up buttons at the same time to capture whatever is currently on your screen."

Ssiiiippp!!!! Masalah terpecahkan. Cara screenhot nokia lumia 625 yg udah upgrade ke cyan adalah tekan tombok penambah volume dan power secara bersamaan. Semoga membantu.
Sumber gambar: (sudah saya edit sendiri)

Upgrade Lumia 625: 2 langkah amber ke black akhinya cyan

Akhirnya saya beli lumia juga. Sudah lama pengen, tapi android lagi ngetren, jadinya lumianya ditunda terus belinya. 

Awalnya pengen beli lumia 520 karena murah banget, sekitar 1 jutaan, cocok di kantong.Setelah browsing dan membandingkan, akhirnya beli lumia 625. Saya dapat dengan harga 1,8 juta (juli 2014, di Batam). Karena katanya kamera nya lebih bagus. Lumia 625 ada kamera depan dan flash di kamera belakang, sedangkan lumia 520 ga ada. Layar lumia 625 juga lebih besar, yaitu 4,7".

Habis beli langsung diacak-acak lumianya. Ternyata bawaannya masih windows amber. Langsung hidupkan wifi tethering dari hp android untuk updgrade os windowsnya, katanya lumia 625 dah dapat upgrade ke windows cyan.

Buka pengaturan, terus pilih "phone update" dan donlot. Selesai donlot, install, dan restart lumianya. Pas liat versi windowsnya, masih amber dan disuruh upgrade lagi. Ya udah, donlot lagi aja. Trus, install dan lumianya restart. Pas dah nyala, di cek windows, ternyata udah windows black (belum cyan). Tapi ada opsi upgrade lagi (berarti harus donlot lagi biar bisa jadi cyan). Ternyata emang bener, melalui dua kali proses donlot dan restart lagi, akhirnya Lumia 625 ane jadi windows 8.1 cyan. Hooorrrrreeee....!!!